Middle School Curriculum

School Readiness

Our scholars are guided by a set of social-emotional norms of behavior, which we call the “Paul Way.” These norms demand that students, as they pursue academic excellence, expect as much from themselves as they do from their classmates and educators. 

Scholars must remain in the classroom the entire time, until the teacher directs the class that it is time to transition to their next class. Parents should encourage punctuality and self-discipline while learning in-person, at home, and within the larger community.

Highlighted Courses

There are an array of classes offered to our scholars. Some of these classes include:

    • College and Career Curriculum
    • ELA, Math (*Algebra I)
    • Science (*Biology)
    • Social Studies
    • Electives: Health, Physical Education, Art, World Language – Spanish, American Sign Language
    • Interventions: Read 180, Math 180, NTN Math, System 44, English Immersion (EL)
    • Honors Classes, including Honors Art

Past electives offered include: Computer Programming, African Drumming and/or Drumline, Forensic Science, etc

Middle School assessments to track progress:

    • Daily: Exit Tickets (Mini-quizzes or quick questions/tasks to check for understanding)
    • Weekly: Quizzes, Performance Tasks, Tests
    • Benchmark/Growth: Mid-Advisory assessment, Interim, MAP, PARCC
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