IEPs and English Language Learners
Student Support Services
We are proud of our diverse student, staff, and teacher population. We educate English Language Learners and students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) by providing an inclusive environment with tailored support and resources. Our dedicated team works closely with students and families to ensure each scholar has the tools to thrive academically and socially, fostering confidence and growth in their journey.

For English Language Learners
We provide quality instructional language assistance to students who are identified as English Learners (EL). Our program model meets individual student needs and ensures that ELs are held to the same standards as all students. The EL teacher and the general education teacher collaboratively plan instruction based on students’ strengths and needs to ensure that academic content and English language skills are learned simultaneously. This model is designed for newly arrived students and supports them in acquiring beginning English language skills along with core academic skills.
For Students with Individualized Education Programs
Paul provides specialized instruction, classroom/testing accommodations, and related services to meet our scholars’ unique needs based on their IEPs. Additionally, we have FAPE programming for qualified students who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability, based on their 504 Plans. Paul provides accommodations that will remove the barriers to learning to give scholars equal access to the learning environment. We also offer Homework Support, an after school program that provides scholars additional help with skills and concepts taught in our four content areas, English, Math, History and Science.